Device Driver Manager Debian

2020. 2. 29. 12:01카테고리 없음

Get and change system hostname. With no arguments, thisprints currently configured hostname. When you pass a hostname, it will behanded over to NetworkManager to be set as a new system hostname.Note that the term 'system' hostname may also bereferred to as 'persistent' or 'static' by otherprograms or tools. The hostname is stored in /etc/hostname file in mostdistributions. For example, systemd-hostnamed service uses the term'static' hostname and it only reads the /etc/hostname file when itstarts.permissions. List in-memory and on-disk connection profiles, some ofwhich may also be active if a device is using that connection profile.

Withouta parameter, all profiles are listed. When -active option isspecified, only the active profiles are shown.The -order option can be used to get custom ordering ofconnections.

The connections can be ordered by active status (active), name(name), type (type) or D-Bus path (path). If connections are equal accordingto a sort order category, an additional category can be specified. Thedefault sorting order is equivalent to -order active:name:path. + or noprefix means sorting in ascending order (alphabetically or in numbers), -means reverse (descending) order. The category names can be abbreviated(e.g.order -a:na).show -active id uuid path apath ID. Activate a connection. The connection is identified byits name, UUID or D-Bus path.

If ID is ambiguous, a keyword id,uuid or path can be used. When requiring a particular device toactivate the connection on, the ifname option with interface nameshould be given.

If the ID is not given an ifname is required,and NetworkManager will activate the best available connection for the givenifname. In case of a VPN connection, the ifname option specifiesthe device of the base connection. The ap option specify whatparticular AP should be used in case of a Wi-Fi connection.If -wait option is not specified, the default timeout willbe 90 seconds.See connection show above for the description of theID-specifying keywords.Available options are:ifname.

Edit an existing connection or add a new one, using aninteractive editor.The existing connection is identified by its name, UUID or D-Buspath. If ID is ambiguous, a keyword id, uuid, orpath can be used. See connection show above for thedescription of the ID-specifying keywords.

Not providing an IDmeans that a new connection will be added.The interactive editor will guide you through the connectionediting and allow you to change connection parameters according to yourneeds by means of a simple menu-driven interface. The editor indicates whatsettings and properties can be modified and provides in-line help.Available options:type. Clone a connection. The connection to be cloned isidentified by its name, UUID or D-Bus path. If ID is ambiguous, akeyword id, uuid or path can be used.

See connectionshow above for the description of the ID-specifying keywords.newname is the name of the new cloned connection. The new connectionwill be the exact copy except the ( newname) andconnection.uuid (generated) properties.The new connection profile will be saved as persistent unless-temporary option is specified, in which case the new profile won'texist after NetworkManager restart.delete id uuid pathID. Monitor connection profile activity. This command printsa line whenever the specified connection changes. The connection to bemonitored is identified by its name, UUID or D-Bus path.

If ID isambiguous, a keyword id, uuid or path can be used. Seeconnection show above for the description of the ID-specifyingkeywords.Monitors all connection profiles in case none is specified. Thecommand terminates when all monitored connections disappear. If you want tomonitor connection creation consider using the global monitor with nmclimonitor command.reload. Import an external/foreign configuration as aNetworkManager connection profile.

The type of the input file is specified bytype option.Only VPN configurations are supported at the moment. Theconfiguration is imported by NetworkManager VPN plugins. Type valuesare the same as for vpn-type option in nmcli connection add.VPN configurations are imported by VPN plugins. Therefore the proper VPNplugin has to be installed so that nmcli could import the data.The imported connection profile will be saved as persistent unless-temporary option is specified, in which case the new profile won'texist after NetworkManager restart.export id uuid path ID file. Connect to a Wi-Fi network specified by SSID or BSSID.The command creates a new connection and then activates it on a device.

Thisis a command-line counterpart of clicking an SSID in a GUI client. The commandalways creates a new connection and thus it is mainly useful for connecting tonew Wi-Fi networks. If a connection for the network already exists, it isbetter to bring up (activate) the existing connection as follows: nmcli conup id name. Note that only open, WEP and WPA-PSK networksare supported at the moment. It is also supposed that IP configuration isobtained via DHCP.If -wait option is not specified, the default timeout willbe 90 seconds.Available options are:password. Register nmcli as a polkit agent for the usersession and listen for authorization requests.

You do not usually need thiscommand, because nmcli can handle polkit actions related toNetworkManager operations (when run with -ask). However, you may findthe command useful when you want to run a simple text based polkit agent andyou do not have an agent of a desktop environment. Note that running thiscommand makes nmcli handle all polkit requests, not only NetworkManagerrelated ones, because only one polkit agent can run for the session.all.

Runs nmcli as both NetworkManager secret and apolkit agent. PROPERTY ALIASESApart from the property-value pairs, connection add, connectionmodify and device modify also accept short forms of someproperties. They exist for convenience. Some aliases can affect multipleconnection properties at once.The overview of the aliases is below.

An actual connection type isused to disambiguate these options from the options of the same name thatare valid for multiple connection types (such as mtu).Table 1. Options for all connections AliasPropertyNotetypeconnection.typeThis option also accepts values ofbond-slave, team-slave and bridge-slave. They createethernet connection profiles. Their use is discouraged in favor ofusing a specific type with master option.con-nameconnection.idWhen not provided a default name isgenerated: -).autoconnectconnection.autoconnectifnameconnection.interface-nameA value of. will be interpreted as novalue, making the connection profile interface-independent. Note: usequotes around. to suppress shell expansion.

Debian Driver Manager

Provides a default value for the internationalizationvariables that are unset or null. INTERNATIONALIZATION NOTESBe aware that nmcli is localized and that is why the output depends onyour environment. This is important to realize especially when you parse theoutput.Call nmcli as LCALL=C nmcli to be sure the localeis set to C while executing in a script.LCALL, LCMESSAGES, LANG variables specifythe LCMESSAGES locale category (in that order), which determines thelanguage that nmcli uses for messages.

The C locale is used if noneof these variables are set, and this locale uses English messages. EXIT STATUS nmcli exits with status 0 if it succeeds, a value greater than 0 isreturned if an error occurs.0. Exports NetworkManager VPN profile corp-vpnc as standardCisco (vpnc) configuration. NOTES nmcli accepts abbreviations, as long as they are a unique prefix in theset of possible options. As new options get added, these abbreviations are notguaranteed to stay unique. For scripting and long term compatibility it istherefore strongly advised to spell out the full option names.BUGSThere are probably some bugs.

If you find a bug, please report it to— product NetworkManager.SEE ALSO,.NetworkManager 1.6.2.

Code: INFO Selecting previously unselected package firmware-b43-lpphy-installer.INFO (Reading database. Code: 12:32:27 INFO ?1049h1;24r4l?25l(Bm37m40m1;24rH2J1;1H1m37m44m 2;1H 3;1H 4;1H 5;1H 6;1H 7;1H 8;1H 9;1H 10;1H 11;1H12;1H 13;1H 14;1H 15;1H 16;1H 17;1H 18;1H 19;1H 20;1H 21;1H 22;1H 23;1H24;1H 24;79H 4h 4l1;1H(Bm37m44mPackage configuration3;4H30m47m┌────────────────────────┤ 31mMint Debian Mirrors30m ├────────────────────────┐4;4H│ │1m37m40m 5;4H(Bm30m47m│ │1m37m40m 6;4H(Bm30m47m│ The list below show the available LMDE mirrors.